Movie Mania

Hello i am a self declared movie buff. i watch movies at every opportunity i get. i watch english and hindi movie. i also watch exceptional foreign language movies. in this blog i will try my best to give reviews of movies i've friend will also be giving their opinions. so enjoy reading and feel free to comment.

05 June, 2006

Over The Hedge

Movie Title: Over The Hedge
Language: English
Date watched: 4th June 2006
Venue watched: The Cathay
Watched with: Aayush, Aarushi, Aashima (my nephew and nieces) and Rimjhim (my sister)

ok so with a movie like over the hedge i really do not know what to say. i mean its an animated movie primarily targeted towards the kids. so my sister and i bravely took our nephew and nieces for the movie. and i must say bravely....

the basic story of the movie is actually very cute. however for the life of me i can't remember the names of the characters and which animal some of them were in the move. anyways this guy (an aminal) is the typical street smart, living alone, feeding himself, doing nothing.... so while trying to "scavage" food (tortilla chips) for himself, he ends up stealing the entire food supply of an hibernating bear. in the process of trying to drag a mountain of food off, he wakes up the bear..and looses all the food! the now furious bear then decideds to eat him. begging for mercy the guy asks for 14days time to get back everything of the bear's he lost. the bear agrees and soon the guy sets off to save his life.

so like i said the story line of the movie is actually cute. the animation is also very good. the different character are hilarious. the over protective boar dad, the crazy squrrial..they each are well created. the ongoings of the movie never slaken in pace.. kids are hooked thoughout the movie, though the adults get a little bored at times. however the movie manages to capture the attention back. i personally liked the climax the best. everything, from the matrix like effects to the roasting of marshmallows. its all just too darn cute.
its a good movie to catch with the family.
i give it 4 out of 6 stars.


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